Rajshahi University Alumni Association










Hafizur Rahman Khan



Abul Hasnat Kazi Quamruzzaman

Dr. M. Rezaur Rahim

Elena Akhter Khan 

Md. Anwar Hossain Reaz

Md. Aminul Hoque Helal

Md. Wahid Murad

Mohammad Ayub Ali Khan

Mohammad Abdullah

Saiful Majid Md. Bahauddin

Sirajul Islam (Sirajul Monir)

  1. M. Abraham Lincoln

Syed Apon Ahsan



In cooperation with:

Abul Bashar Badal

  1. M. A. Muyeed
  2. H. M. Zahed Chowdhury

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Das

Dr. Fazlul Hoque

Dr. Rezaul Karuim Mamun Niamat Ali

Prof. Dr. M. Sayedur Rahman

Md. Aminur Rahman Bachhu

Md. Anwarul Kabir Bhuiya

Mohammad Abdul Mannan

Sharif Md. Saifuzzaman (Ripon)


(Names appear in alphabetical order, RUAA membership number will be added later)


This Draft Constitution was handed over to the Convening Committee on 25 September 2021 by Mr Hafizur Rahman Khan on behalf of the Committee for Drafting the Constitution and was approved by the Special General Meeting held on 22nd January 2022.


The Government of India formed a Commission of eight members to improvement the quality of education of Calcutta University in 1917. Dr Michael E. Sadlar, the Vice Chancellor of the Leads University of England was the president of this Commission.  Ashutosh Mukharjee and Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed were the members of this Commission (Sadlar Commission) as Indian natives. This Commission recommended for establishing a few other universities including Dhaka University. On the basis of the recommendations of this Commission a few universities were established in some places of India including Dhaka. The Commission also recommended for establishing a University in Rajshahi, specifically for the cultural and intellectual heritage of this area. But until the Partition of Bengal no university was there except the Dhaka University in the East Bengal.

After the Partition establishing a University in the Northern region of the country was being seriously felt. The colleges in the Northern region were going through much trouble to run the academic affairs without a university in this greater region.  Dr Itrat Hossain Juberi upon joining the Rajshahi College as its Principal in 1950 started exchanging opinion for establishing a university in Rajshahi in reference to the recommendations of the Sadlar Commission.  A comprehensive committee having 64 members was formed in the month of November regarding the establishment of a full-fledged university in Rajshahi, headed by Emdad Ali, the then magistrate of Rajshahi, Mr Madar Bux, the then chairman of Rajshahi Municipality and a Member of National Assembly and Dr. Itrat Hossain Juberi, the principal of Rajshahi College. In lieu of this Dr. Itrat Hossain Jeberi was transferred to the Secretariat by creating a post of special officer for enactment of the Bill for the Foundation of Rajshahi University, as this popular demand was getting gradually widespread.  During the process of enactment of Rajshahi University Bill, similar demands started raising for establishing universities in regions like Rangpur, Khulna and Sylhet. When these similar demands caused lapse of time and uncertainty, the people of all walks of life of the greater North Bengal started giving pressure on the Government to get through their legitimate demand. Considering the importance and implication of this growing demand the then Government of Nurul Amin took the matter in active cognizance and as a result Speaker Abdul Hamid Chowdhury placed the proposed Bill in the assembly. But again the Bill continued to face uncertainty as some amendments to the Bill kept pouring in and similar demands for other university loomed large in other regions of the country. As a result, people of Rajshahi, especially students, started taking to streets demanding for the university. A few protesting students were arrested for organizing the movement. At this stage owing to the growing mass agitation the Government of Chief Minister Nurul Amin, on the unanimous resolution of the party meeting, decided to send the Bill direct to the Assembly instead of processing through the Select Committee. At last on 31st March 1953 the Bill was passed in the Assembly in the name and title of ‘The Rajshahi University Act, 1953 (The East Bengal Act XV of 1953)

The Governor gave him consent on 6 June and on 16 June 193 The Act was registered in the Dhaka Gazette as extra-ordinary. The University of Rajshahi began its academic endeavors on 6th of July, 1953 with Dr. Itrat Hossain Juberi being appointed as the first Vice-Chancellor of the University. Even since then the university has been observing the date as the Rajshahi University Day. The University of Rajshahi started its widen journey with 20 college under the Division with 7 academic Departments excepting Barisal and Potuakhali District and the then Khulna and Rajshahi Division. In 1955 the University of Rajshahi started conferring the first course of Divisional examination and at the same time its due role in the cultural and political movement. The most notable of all is the demise of the Chemistry professor Dr. Shamsujjoha in protecting student’s rights in the time of the public movement of 1969. Rajshahi University has ever since been observing the day as Zoha Memorial Day each year. The authority is working on to declare this day as `Teacher’s Day’. The role of Rajshahi University during the war of liberation was highly appreciable. In March 1971 teachers and student of this University set fire on Pakistani flag. The resolution of completely independent Bangladesh was resolved at a meeting of Teacher’s Association of Rajshahi University in the first week of March, 1971, presided over by Dr. Sirajul Arefin. The Pakistani army abducted Prof. Shukhrajur of Sangskrit Language, Prof. Hasibur Rohaman of Mathematics and Prof. Abdul Quaiyum of Psychology Department from Rajshahi University Campus, who all were later brutally killed. Apart from teachers, students and staffs directly joining in the Liberation War, most of them contributed in the Liberation war in various ways. Three teachers, nine students, five employees and ten general office assistant of Rajshahi University embraced martyrdom. Even after independence this University played a commendable role in various social, cultural and political movements.

A good number for teacher and students have made this grant `Alma Mater’ excel in academic distinction by contributing to a number of field like education, literature, sports and culture, politics and research undertaking both at home and abroad. Today Rajshahi University is one of the great seats of learning and academic excellence all over the country.

The sphere of the University has expanded many folds. In many field the graduates of this university have left a mark of excellence at national and international level. It is continuing and is expected to do so on the days to come. All graduates sincerely with to see their favorite ‘a Mater’ excel more in the role of nation building by contributing to the socio-economic and cultural arena of the country. In order to attain this objective have expressed their sincere wish to the development of the University ranging from its policy-planning down to many other fields with their knowledge and wisdom.  They also expressed their noble desire to contribute to their Alma Mater by involvement and engagement in various levels in many sectors through enhancing liaison and interactions among themselves with this objective in mind an alumni/committee was formal by the initiative of the former students of this University Syndicate (Resolution No.17 at the 357th  Syndicate( Resolution No. 14/24-10-99 and Resolution No. 18, taken at the 409th  Syndicate dated 22.02.2007) in tune with this inspectional initiative the` Rajshahi university Alumni association(RUAA) was constituted through its first conference held 12-013 April 2010.

Since no new committee was formed replacing the existing committee upon the former committee’s tenure, there seemed a state of uncertainty prevailed for same fire. At such a stage no Rajshahi university syndicate formed a 463-member Convening Committee (Resolution No.82 of 504th Syndicate)

It should be noted here that the former students of Rajshahi have been conducting various programs at Dhaka under various name and titles. Besides a few Department-wise Alumni Associations have been in effect. This central initiative is being underway from the experience of running such more than one alumni Associations. We hope that we would be able to go forth with an effective Alumni Association towards a better tomorrow.

The Convening Committee took the initiative of framing the Constitution of the RUAA a fresh and the Convening Committee on …………. Submitted the draft Constitution for approval in the general meeting of RUAA.

(Reference of some archival annotations)



The terminology of the organization, in Bengal, will be “রাজশাহী ইউনিভার্সিটি অ্যালামনাই অ্যাসোসিয়েশন” and in English| Rajshahi University alumni association (RUAA) and in either case it will be a spelled in brief abbreviation of ‘RUAA’


SECTION-2: MONOGRAM (Symble and Flag)

The Association will have a symbol (Monogram) and a flag.





With the main logo of Rajshahi University in the middle a round line will be down with the name of the organization along ‘Rajshahi University Alumni Association. In order to enshrine the key objective of the Association there will be a huge star symbolizing 3 years. At many year’s end there will be a small star attached to the symbol. The outer layer will be green and the red cycle together will symbolize Bangladesh.




The flag of RUAA will be the symbol of RUAA at the center of a white spread, 10% less in size by ratio of the National flag of Bangladesh.






The Head office of the Association will be at the Rajshahi University. But if necessary its branch can be opened at home and in many places abroad.




The Present Address: ………………………….




This Constitution will include the following if not otherwise required in connection with the description or other necessity arises:


  1. The ‘Association’ means the Rajshahi Association Alumni Association’.
  2. Alumni means anyone having minimum graduation certificate holder, who have secured graduation certificate from Rajshahi University, Rajshahi College and various medical colleges and technical college or any college under Rajshahi University and/or had completed PhD, MPhil under Rajshahi University.”
  3. Section & clause will mean the section and clause/sub-clause(s) of this Constitution;
  4. “Years” will mean period of time from 01 January till 31st
  5. “Member” will mean `General Members’ and “Life Member” (if not written/implied otherwise)
  6. “Asset” will mean all immovable and movable cash fund of the Association.
  7. ‘Graduate’-will mean anyone having graduation and post-graduate certificate;
  8. ‘Staff’ will mean staff and worker of the Association;
  9. ‘Rabian’ will mean” former students of Rajshahi University;
  10. ‘Student” will mean the student of both genders;
  11. ‘Executive’ will mean the Executive Committee
  12. Committee of the Association (RUAA)




All over Bangladesh.  But the activity of the Association could be expanded in any country outside Bangladesh.




The Rajshahi University Alumni Association (RUAA) will be a non-political, non-partisan non-communal, welfare, education, philanthropic and non-profit organization.




The organization may be registered with the Department of Social Welfare for carrying out social welfare activities.





The following aim and objective will be pursued to run the Association to dedicate it for the welfare of the Rajshahi University and the alumni: -

  1. To initiate various programs for the improvement of the quality of education in Rajshahi University;
  2. To establish unity, cordiality and paternity among the alumni’s and to extend help and corporation among the alumni’s as much as possible.
  3. To protect the interest of the students of Rajshahi University.
  4. To establish a separate fund to extend financial assistance to the deserving students.
  5. To held gathering and get-together of the alumni’s seminars, symposium, workshop, exhibitions, cultural and other functions with an aim to a global standard through effectively utilizing the knowledge and contribution of the former students of Rajshahi University and to create more interest and loyalty to Rajshahi University.




  1. Branch of RUAA can be opened in any district or Upazila of Bangladesh or if abroad in that country or in any city of that country where at least 21 life members of the Association would be available.

The Alumni will be to be the alumni of the Rajshahi University Alumni Association.

The executive committee will determine the member of Alumni upon discussion and will get the approved at the general meeting.

As regards the proposal for opening branches the decision of the executive committee will be regarded as final. More than one branches will be not allowed to open in any city, town, district or any province in the country and/ or abroad.

  1. The abroad branch will be named as Rajshahi University alumni association……. Branch (As per the name of the place)
  2. The branches will be functioning in the respective places to attain the objective of the Association.
  3. The annual Report of the Branch along with the list of members will have to be sent to the Secretary General;
  4. The executive committee of the concerned branch will send the annual report and statement of accounts to the Treasurer/ Secretary General of the Association:
  5. A certain portion of the income will be sent to the treasurer of the Association in the month of November of every calendar year. The amount will be minimum 25% of the income of the concerned branches.
  6. Any branch may send money to RUAA for any purpose compatible with the aim and objectives of the Association.
  7. The branches will function in accordance with the section and rules of the constitution of the association and will not implement any law/s or sub-clause(s) irrelevant to the aim and objective of the Association:
  8. The prevision concerning the general meeting and the executive committee will be applicable to the approved committees and the general meeting:
  9. The branches abroad will function in co-ordination with the center or the Rajshahi University Alumni Association (RUAA)




  1. Membership charge/donation from the members;
  2. Government grant;
  3. Donation received from various organizations;
  4. Donation given from the university;
  5. Money received from the branches;
  6. Income from miscellaneous sources.  




The Association will have five types of members, as mentioned here under:

  1. Honorary Member: The executive committee, if required, the would be able and authority to accord membership to prominent purpose, but will not be allowed to take participation or executive their intransient, nor can be executive their right of vote.
  2. General Member(s): The provisions for membership will be limited to the alumnus as laid down in the provision of 5(b) and will be required to pay annual membership fees.
  3. Life Member: The provision for the membership will only be applicable to the alumnus under the section of 5(b). The lifetime members will not have to pay any annual membership fees.
  4. Associate Member: Any honorable teacher (Non-Alumni) or spouse or children of the concerned living member will be able to deposit the fees applicable for the life members, nor they will have to deposit the members’ fees for the relevant years.


The Association members will not be eligible to contest the executive committee election or casting his/ her vote and will not be able to participate in any program related to the screening or participate only of the executive council.


  1. Donor Members: If only it feels appropriate, the executive committee may grant membership to distinguished persons among the alumnus or non-alumnus by accepting donation for the Association. But eligible to participate and cast vote in any election of the Association.

But general members’ or life members from among the donor members will be eligible to take part and cast vote in any election of the Association.




  1. In pursuance with all section and by the laws of the Constitution of the Association, any alumni is eligible to apply for membership upon filling in the prescribed form and enclosing photocopies of graduation/post-graduate certificates, passport size photo, fees required for membership, and submit/apply to the Secretary General of the Association. After being approved by the executive committee the applicant will be considered as an honorable member of the Association. The executive committee deserves/ possess the right to accept or reject any application anytime.


  1. Membership can be awarded at any time of the determined by the executive committee. But during election the Section-36 of the Constitution will apply.





  1. Being present in the general meeting, taking part in the discussion and submit proposal(s);
  2. Demanding explanation from the executive committee for the activities of the Association and inquire into the income and expenditure, all as per concerned provisions/ rules of the Association’s Constitution.
  3. Taking part in any election of the Association;
  4. Casting vote;
  5. Taking part in any delegation of the Association;
  6. Giving advice for the development of the organization and working in the election Commission of the Association.



SECTION – 15 : Cancellation of Membership

In case of any of the following circumstances the membership will be cancelled if -

  1. A member resigns willingly: In that case the member willing to resign will have to send the letter of resignation to the Secretary-General. The application of resignation could be withdrawn before acceptance by the executive committee. But a review could be considered if the concerned member applies again subject to approval in the general meeting. In that case he/she will have to pay the membership fee again;


  1. If a member fails to pay the dues of the Association within due time;


  1. If a member expires;


  1. If a competent authority of the government declares the member having mental disorder;


  1. If a member is engaged in any action in violation of the rules and discipline of the Association or if his/her behavior or activities are considered as against the interest or dignity of the Association;


SECTION – 16: Expulsion


If any member is found of taking any action in contravention of the constitution of the Association or against the dignity of the organization will be accused for indiscipline and HIS/HER MEMBERSHIP will be abrogated for a temporary period and if such accusations are found true by conducting an investigation or inquiry by the executive committee, will be subject to be expelled. The expelled member will not be able to apply for membership again. In that case the issue will be brought in the general meeting and the decision of the general meeting and the decision will stand as effective.



SECTION – 17: Re-appointment of Membership


  1. Exception the SECTION-12 (a). the executive committee may consider the re-appointment of membership to the concerned member(s) losing his/her membership upon fulfilling the condition of the executive committee in pursuance of the provision in SECTION No. 10.  
  2. If the membership of any member of the  executive committee is fallen vacant  due to resignation/relieving/non-confidence/ expulsion/removal/ death or by any other circumstance the executive committee may fill-up that vacant position by co-opting from other members upon discussion and unanimous consensus of at least two/third members of the Association, or any member of the executive committee may be vested with that responsibility/assignment  and  the issue should be initiated to the subsequent general meeting.  


SECTION – 18: Meeting


The following types of MEETINGS might be held in order to conduct the activities of the Association properly on a good manner:


  1. General Meeting
  2. Annual General Meeting
  3. Special General Meeting
  4. Requisition Meeting
  5. Executive Committee Meeting
  6. Advisory Committee Meeting
  7. Meeting of various Sub-Committees
  8. Meeting of the Election Commission
  9. Meeting(s) desired by the EC or selective meetings(s)
  10. Meeting(s) for exchange of opinion




SECTION – 19:  General Meeting


  1. According to the rules any member, patron and advisory board member of the Association can participate in a General Meeting by clearing all required dues and fees;


  1. The secretary-general in consultation with the president may call general meeting with two weeks’ notice (14 days). The patrons and the Board of Advisers may be present in this meeting and take part in the discussion.


  1. But the president may assign the responsibility to the secretary general for calling a general meeting owing at any emergency;


  1. The Association shall have at least one general meeting.;


  1. The place/venue and day date particulars must be mentioned with the notice of the meeting;


SECTION – 20:  Annual General Meeting


  1. AGM is also a general meeting held annually
  2. The Secretary General in consultation with the president may call the Annual General Meeting with 30 days’ notice
  3. AGM should be held at least once in a year;
  4. But even if the AGM is not held within the calendar year, and held beyond the expiry of the year, it could well be termed as the Annual General Meeting for the concerned year;


  1. The place/venue and day date particulars must be mentioned with the notice of the meeting;


SECTION 21 : Work of the Annual General Meeting

The following functions will be performed at the Annual General Meeting:

  1. Consider the annual report prepared by the Secretary General and approved by the Executive Committee;
  2. Consideration of last year's 'audit report' and approval of accounts;
  3. Approval of the budget proposed by the Executive Committee and presented by the Treasurer;
  4. Participation in elections under Article 23;
  5. Formulation, amendment, change and approval of constitution and rules if necessary;
  6. Raising and discussing any other matter with the permission of the President;
  7. All decisions of the Annual Meeting of the General Assembly shall be taken by a majority vote of the voting members present. In the case of an equal number of votes, the President may cast a casting vote.

SECTION 22 : Special General Meeting

  1. This is a General Meeting, where there will be only one agenda.
  2. The Secretary General may, in consultation with the President, convene a special general meeting on two weeks (14 days) notice.
  3. The time, place and agenda of the special general meeting must be accompanied by the notice of the meeting.


SECTION 23: Requisition Meeting

  1. This is a general meeting, where there will be only one agenda.
  2. If any General Member/ Life Member wishes to convene a Requisition Meeting on a specific subject, he/ she shall apply along with the signature of 51% of the members of the Association (General Member / Life Member) along with the Chairman of the Executive Committee. After the receipt of the application, the Requisition Meeting may be called following the procedure described in the Special General Meeting. The decision will be taken on the basis of the votes of two-thirds of the total members present at the meeting.


If the meeting is not convened within 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice for Requisition the signatories to the Requisition may convene the meeting by themselves with proper notification only to settle the matter and the decision will be taken by a three-fourths vote of the members present.


  1. Similarly, if any member of the executive committee wants to convene a meeting on a specific issue, he/ she shall apply along with the signature of two-thirds of the members of the executive committee along with the chairman of the executive committee. After receiving the application for the summons meeting, the summons meeting can be called following the procedure described in the general meeting. The matter will be decided on the basis of the opinion of the majority of the members present at the meeting.


SECTION 24 : Quorum in the General meeting

  1. The quorum for the required attendance at the general meeting shall be at least 100 members.


  1. If the required number of members are not present and no other announcement is made within half an hour of the scheduled time for the scheduled date, the General Meeting shall be adjourned and the next week on the same day, at the same time and in the same place (or any other place if necessary.) The meeting will be held with the same agenda.


  1. The meeting of the General Assembly shall be held with the members present even if the members are not present within half an hour of the scheduled time for the next week's session of the adjourned meeting and in that case the meeting shall be deemed to have the required attendance. If the general meeting is a general meeting convened by the members, the meeting will be deemed canceled due to absence.


  1. No new agenda can be adopted in the adjourned meeting.


SECTION – 25:  Meeting of the Executive Committee


  1. The Secretary General in consultation with the president may call the Executive Committee Meeting with 7 days’ notice;


  1. Presence of one-third of the members of the EC will be considered as the quorum needed for the Executive Committee meeting;



  1. All decisions will be made final upon being approved by the majority or by majority vote;


  1. The day, date, venue all must be mentioned in the notice for the meeting.



SECTION – 26:  Meeting of the Advisory Committee


  1. a)  Upon request of the EC the meeting may be called for the Board of Advisers aiming to achieve the objectives of the Association;


  1. b) On request of the EC there should be the Meeting of the Advisers held at least once in 5 months;


  1. c) In consultation with the president the secretary-general may call the Meeting of Advisers by determining the venue, day date, time etc. in a 14 days’ notice as provided in the Constitution;


  1. President of the EC will preside over the Meeting of the Advisers and the Secretary-General will perform the secretarial responsibility in the meeting;


  1. The advices and recommendation will be made final and put in action subject to discussion by the Executive Committee;
  2. Decisions will be taken in the Meeting of Advisers on approval of majority members.


SECTION – 27:  Meeting of various Sub-Committees


  1. a)  Upon consultation with the Chairmen of the Sub-Committees the member-secretary of the sub-committee, with the aim and objective of achieving the objectives of the organization, may call the meeting of the sub-committee with 14 days’ notice after determining the venue, time and date;


  1. b) Decision (s) will be taken in the Sub-Committee meeting by the approval/opinion of the majority members;


  1. c) Decisions (s) taken in the Sub-Committee will be intimated to EC for consideration.



SECTION – 28:  Meeting of the Election Commission


  1. a)  The Chief Election Commissioner may call the meeting of Election Commission with 7 days’ notice;


  1. b) The day, date, venue, time of the meeting - all must be mentioned in the notice for the meeting.


  1. c) The Office Secretary of the Executive Committee will take all necessary arrangement for the meeting.


SECTION – 29:  Prefixed Meeting(s) and Meetings approved by the Executive Committee


  1. a)  Upon consultation with the President the Secretary-General of the Association may call this type of meetings;


  1. b) The agenda of these meetings will be subject to discussion in the meeting of the Executive Committee.


SECTION – 30:  Patrons of RUAA


  1. a)  The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Rajshahi University with ex-officio capacity will be the Chief Patron of the Association;


  1. b) The Pro-Vice Chancellor and the Treasurer of Rajshahi University will be the ex-officio patrons of RUAA’
  2. c) If felt appropriate, the Executive Committee may nominate a few other dignified and prominent persons as patrons of the organization and will intimate the general body accordingly.


SECTION – 31:  Board of Advisers


  1. a)  Persons having the following attribute and contributions will be chosen for being nominated as the members of the Board of Advisers of RUAA. These include, but are not limited to: The persons who had been involved in the founding and developing the University/ leaving outstanding contributions in the advancement of  education and research works / leaving  contribution in the advancement of cultural and sports pursuits / former and present teachers who contributed in the nation building activities / contributed in the Liberation War of the country / who have a passion for welfare and philanthropy being persons of dignity and commitment.


  1. b) The number of the members of Board of Advisers will be 21 at best;


  1. The members of the Board of Advisers will be nominated initially by the Executive Committee which will later be intimated to the general body;
  2. From the date of the first meeting the tenure of the Members of the Board of Advisers will be 03 (three) years.  




  1. The Association will have a 51-member Executive Committee.
  2. The members enlisted in the voter's list of the Association will only be eligible to be elected as EC Committee Members and in accordance with the provision in section-36 or if not amended otherwise he or she will continue to perform his/her responsibility until the next committee is elected in the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The tenure of the Executive Committee will be 3 (three) years from the date of assuming responsibility. But in accordance with this Constitution, the next Annual General Meeting and the EC election will be held before/ within 31st December 2022.
  4. The tenure of the EC will be 3(three) years from the date of assuming responsibility and in accordance with this Constitution the next AGM and EC Committee election, from now on, will be held within 90(ninety) days from completion of the audit report for the year from January to December each year from. But a condition will apply here that under no circumstance this time schedule will be extended beyond 30th April of the consequent calendar year. The Election Commission will accordingly declare the names of the members elected as EC members. The newly elected committee takes over responsibility within not beyond 21 days from the declaration of the election result, in presence of the Election Committee and the previous committee will arrange for the transition accordingly.
  5. In case of an election not being held within the scheduled time, the President may form an ad-hoc Committee of 5(five) members along with a Convener. The ad-hoc committee will hold the election and form the next EC Committee within 45(Forty-five) days. When the next EC Committee will be declared as being elected the inventory should be made and within 15 days through inventory handover and assumption of responsibilities will be completed. The tenure of the ad-hoc committee may be effective highest up to 6 months in case of any unforeseen situation, natural or political disaster.
  6. Quorum will be complete in the EC meeting where one/third of the members of the EC will be present in the meeting.
  7. All decisions of the EC will be finalized by a majority part of the members present or by votes.
  8. At least 9 (nine) female members should be enlisted in the EC.
  9. The EC committee will be an elected body of 51 members elected by the Executive Committee. The members discuss among themselves or by-election will nominate office bearers and will help the general members informed about it.
  10. After ensuring enlistment of a minimum of 7 (seven) women members, any valid member may contest in the election of the office bears as per rules/provision of the Election Commission.
  11. In the EC Committee election at least 7 (seven) female members for the post of various office bearers will be able to contest in the election.
  12. In case female candidates are not available beyond the above-mentioned 7 posts of an office bearer, in that case, all the 7 candidates will be declared as elected.
  13. After the election in order to ensure at least 7 female members in the EC and if any post remains vacant ever offer to induct all the 7 female members, the EC may as per provision of Constitutions the EC may co-operate the required No. of office bears and it will be intimated to the next EC meeting.
  14. If required members of the female are not available, the EC in pursuant of the Constitution of this Association will be able to cooperate from the existing valid members and will be intended to the EC.
  15. The number of female members in the EC in the future, the gender ratio will have to be kept in mind for equitable appointment in the EC by gender.



Post and position of the 51 member’s Executive committee


Sr. Vice President:1

Vice President:2

Secretary-General :1

Joint Secretary-General:2



Joint Treasurer:1


Organizing Secretary:1

Joint Organizing Secretary:1


Education, Library & Research Secretary:2

Joint Education, Library & Research Secretary:2


Literary & cultural Secretary:1

Literary & cultural Secretary:1


Possibility, publications & Public Relation Secretary: 1

Joint Possibility, publications & Public Relation Secretary: 1


Sport Secretary:1

Joint Sport Secretary:1


Office & IT :1

Joint Office & IT :1


Welfare & Development Secretary:1

Joint Welfare & Development Secretary:1


International Affairs Secretary:1

Joint International Affairs Secretary:1


Elected Executive members:26




The Elected Executive committee may re-organize the Organization of the Executive Committee if it so feels required in the interest of the association and intimates about the reorganizing if any to the General Meeting.




  1. To appoint member’s office bearers in the blank post/void post;
  2. To select offices bearers in the void post(s) out of the Executive Committee;
  3. To form a standing Committee & Sub-Committee for a specific purpose, but on the condition that the reason and rationale, if so felt, that should be clearly defined and in that process one or more than one EC Member will be included; anyone Member out of the concerned Sub-committee will be Chairman/convener and a member will function Member-Secretary. The Committee, so formed, will be confined to handle the selected function;
  4. Decision should be concluded in accordance with the provision of the Constitution and should in no way be against the provisions laid in the constitution of the Association, but otherwise are not defined in the Constitution.
  5. The Election Commission will look after the issues related to electoral affairs;
  6. EC will appoint an auditor;
  7. EC will function for the overall development in accordance with the provision of the organization’s Constitution;
  8. EC will determine the day, date time, and venue of the general meetings, the Annual General Meetings, and Emergency General meeting
  9. To approve all expenses of the Association;
  10. To appoint and determine the number of the Board of |Adviser and Panel of Patrons.
  11. To form a special sub-committee, if necessary, to conduct the affairs of the Association properly and smoothly;
  12. To place the budget of the Association and place it to annual General Meeting and, if so felt, submit the budget proposal to AGM or SGM or General meeting for approval;
  13. To appoint staff/worker(s) and approve the terms and conditions for employment;
  14. To consider and finalize application of new membership;
  15. The AGM will determine the ‘Membership Fees’
  16. The AGM will determine the ‘membership Fees’ in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  17. The announcement circular of the General meeting/annual General  Meeting/ Requisition Meeting/ Special General Meeting  Will be published in two well-circulated Daily newspapers of Dhaka (one must be in Bengali) and apart from a newspaper advertisement, the Meeting announcement should be sent to the members’ email( whose email particulars will be written as Members Information’ and to this mobile phones in the form of SMS (only meeting announcement, day, date time and venue) and should be sent out at least before 15 days. These will also be uploaded to the association website, Facebook page, or any site/postal in the social media.
  18. EC will have the right to fill in any blank post/void post and about appointing in the newly created. Thus, the tenure of the appointed office bearers will be effective till the next election is held.
  19. EC may formulate clause(s) Sub-clause(s) for getting these functions more smoothly. But those clause(s) Sub-Clause(s) must not be in contra version of the aim and objectives of the Association. Another condition will be applied to the effect that the concerned clause(s)/sub-clause(s) made by the EC should be submitted to the next AGM for approval.
  20. EC may buy or sell any asset/property, accept the donation and, if necessary, enter into any lease or rent on behalf of the Association. But in case of selling of any asset/property approval of the General Meeting will be required.




Responsibilities of the member of the Executive Committee

  1. President
  2. President will be the head of the Association;
  3. He/ She will preside over all the meetings of the Association and sign in all the proceedings;
  4. He/ She will approve the resolutions and decisions of the meetings and will get all the books of accounts for the year starting from January till December in the form of a report ready for submitting to the General meeting and will get the annual report by the designated chartered accountant(s). if it is felt relevant, they also can have an audit for a specific period of time and submit the same to General Meeting.
  5. If felt necessary he/ she can explain and give his/ her decision in pursuance of the Constitution, which will be deemed as final.
  6. He /She can refer to casting vote in the question of an equal number of votes;
  7. In case of an urgent or emergency issue he/ she can call a meeting of the Executive Committee in minimum in a 24 hours’ notice;
  8. He / She may function and perform any role and, side by side, undertake constructive action(s) by keeping the Executive Committee informed.


  1. Vice President:
  2. To assist the President in general in performing his/ her overall responsibility.
  3. In the absence of the President, Vice President will preside over the Association’s meeting(s) by order of precedence;
  4. In case of a sudden void or discontinuing of the President, Vice President will play the role. The Vice President(s) by under of precedence will continue performing his/ her responsibility until the next election is held. Even in the absence of the Vice President, any member of the EC can be chosen to preside over the meeting.
  5. Secretary General:
  6. Secretary General will act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association;
  7. In Constitution with the President the Secretary-General will call all meetings of the association upon determining the agenda of the meetings;
  8. Secretary General will note down the minutes of the meetings upon approval of the President;
  9. He/ she will prepare the Annual Report, the Annual Account’s Report, and Audit Report and submit these reports to the Executive committee and to the general meeting(s);
  10. Upon approval/advice from the President he/ she will liaise with governments, private and various other organizations;
  11. He/ she will sign in any approved deed and contract documents, but if so-called for, the president may sign in those documents.
  12. Upon discussion with the President, he/she will coordinate among various Departmental Secretaries and Executive committee members;
  13. He/she may advise the departmental Secretaries in performing their responsibilities Departmental duties and responsibilities;
  14. By constitution with the President the secretary-general will appoint staff for the Association, fix their salary/ remuneration, leave and benefits penalties and punishment as and when applicable;
  15. He/ she will submit reports/returns as required by the regulatory asthenic concerned;
  16. He/ she will sue pr carry out legal matters as approved by the Association;
  17. By constitution with the President the Secretary-General will call emergency meeting(s) of the EC and /or general meetings with 7 (seven) days’ notice;


  1. Treasurer:
  2. The treasurer will preserve all books of accounts of the Association and will submit the Executive Committee for approval;
  3. He/ she will arrange and monitor all regulatory deposit of Association’s money to the bank;
  4. He/ she will get the Association’s bills of account mentioning earning and expenditure in the form of Annual Report completed and get the accounts audited;
  5. He/ she will formulate various action plans with the aims and objectives of enhancing the fund of the organization;
  6. Will take necessary steps for collecting membership dues and other grants in time;
  7. All accounts-related forms documents and papers of the organization including fee receipt book, collected funds, cheques, and deposit slips bill-vouchers and all other papers and documents will be preserved under his/ her custody;
  8. He will transact payment of the Association by cheque as much as possible;
  9. He/ she will keep a petty cash fund unto to 10,000/= (Taka Ten thousand) at his disposable in consultation with the Secretary General
  10. Traditional book-keeping of accounts operating system will be followed by the Association which will be followed under supervisor of the treasurer.
  11. He/ she will arrange for uploading the financial information of the Association in the

Association’s website for the approval of the Executive Committee after in week from reporting/preparing.


  1. Joint Secretary General
  2. The Joint Secretary General will extend all-out support and corporation in performing the responsibilities of the Sect retry \general and will carry out responsibilities assigned by the Secretary General. He /she will minute and resolution of each meeting to the Secretary General within a specific time and will do the needful for properly preserving all records and documents of the Association. The Secretary General will vest the designated responsibilities among the two Joint Secretary General;
  3. In case of absence of the Secretary-General the senior joint Secretary-General will act on behalf of the Secretary-General;


  1. Organizing Secretary:
  2. He /she will perform all the organizational activities of the Associations;
  3. He /he will keep always in touch with the President and the Secretary-General and will take all necessary initiatives to enhance the scope and activities of the Association;
  4. He/ she will keep enclosing liaison with the member of the Rajshahi University alumni and will try to increase the membership of the Association;
  5. He/ she will provide various pieces of advice and formulate ideas for sharing with the Executive Committee as regard opening of Branches of RUAA;


  1. Education, Library and Research Secretary:

The Education, Library & Research Secretary in coordination with Cultural and Literary Affairs Secretary, if so required, will publish periodicals/ magazines/books, e-books, etc. and organize Literary programs on behalf of the Association;


  1. Literary & Cultural Affairs Secretary:

The Literary & Cultural Affairs Secretary will organize all recreational programs, in coordination with the Education, Library & Research secretary, if required, such programs- including musical soirees, drama, plays, etc.


  1. Publicity, Publications & Public Relations Secretary:

The Publicity, Publications & Public Relations Secretary will hold various programs/ activities with air to propagate the spirit and ideals of the Association among the alumnus of Rajshahi University and will produce various kinds of media materials, such as pamphlets, posters, leaflets, brochures, and books. He/ she will take sincere efforts to publicize the programs or events observed by the Association through various press media, especially through messengers, mails by post, through newspapers, emails mobile phone SMS or adapting to social media and other platforms- including sending message for notice and other information etc.

  1. Sports Secretary:

The Sports Secretary will be responsible for holding any sports events of the Association and will play an appropriate role to attain the aim and objectives of the Association.


  1. Office & IT Secretary:

In the constitution, with the Secretary-General the Office & IT Secretary will perform all office-related works and IT-related works and preserve all important documents of the Associations. He/she will help to prepare all reports and statistical documents of the consultation with President will call any meeting. The office/IT Secretary will keep all members informed and intimated by the office /17 secretary.


  1. Welfare & Development Secretary:

The Welfare & development Secretary, in the constitution with the Secretary-General, will carry on his/her responsibilities in conducting various welfare and development activities if the Association and preserve all related records and deeds. He/ she will prepare concerning statistics and preserve/archive those /statistical materials under his/her supervision.


  1. International Affair Secretary:

The International Affair Secretary in consultation with the Secretary-General, will perform his role as the International Affairs Secretary and preserve all concerned documents under his/her supervision.

  1. Joint Secretary (The Joint Secretaries of various Departments):
  2. The joint Secretary will assist the office Secretary in running the office affairs and. as and when necessary, will perform special responsibility as assigned by the concerned Departmental Secretaries, including preparing the draft resolution/minutes of the meeting of the concerned secretaries and submits those draft minutes /resolutions to the concerned secretaries from time to time.
  3. In absence of the Secretary, he/ she will perform the role and responsibilities of the concerned Secretaries.


  1. Executive Members:
  2. In the absence of the President & Vice President(S) the senior member among the members present in the meeting will preside over the meeting.
  3. He/she will carry out any responsibility assigned to him/her by the Secretary-General or the Executive Committee;
  4. The members of the Executive Committee will external their all-out cooperation in conducting the activities of the Association.



Election of the Executive Committees:

  1. An Executive Committee will be constituted by the consensus or by a vote of the General Members/life Members of the Association.
  2. The President will constitute an Election Commission in the coordination of any five members not related with the Executive Committee before 90 (ninety) days from the expiry of the tenure of the ongoing Executive Committee, where at least 2 (two) female members will be included and will appoint one person out of those 5 (five) persons as Chief Election Commissioner;
  3. The Election Commission in pursuance of the provision of the Constitution of the Association in cooperation with the Executive Committee will prepare an updated Voters List and will make the list accessible to all concerned.
  4. The Election Commission, at least before 1 (one) month will prepare an election schedule and upon determining the price of the nomination form.
  5. All valid members and specific criteria of membership (to whom it may apply) will be considered as votes of the Association. But only those who would get membership 30 days before forming the Election Commission, will be eligible to take part in the activities related to the process of election.
  6. One eager to participate in the election as a candidate must have to be a voter;
  7. No member of the Election Commission will be eligible as a candidate, but they will have the right to enfranchise.
  8. Any member will exercise the privilege of his /her rights to float candidature either attached to a panel or contesting individually. But one person will not be eligible to contest for more than one post;
  9. The decision of the Election Commission will be regarded as final in any matter relating to the procedure of election.
  10. Election should be held results should be announced at least 30 days before the expiry of the tenure of the Executive Committee. The Election Commission, upon the presence and written approval of the Election Committee will hand over the authority along with audit and inventories to the newly elected Executive Committee. The Election Commission will publish the final voters list upon complete hearing on the draft votes list.
  11. The Election Commission may appoint a required number of returning officers, assistant returning officers, the presiding officer, and assistant presiding officers.
  12. The election Commission will announce the election schedule before the expiry of the tenure of the existing Executive Committee.
  13. The Election Commission will prepare the ballot paper maintaining standard quality with name and photo of the candidates as per election schedule and after the withdrawal of candidature.
  14. The Election Commission any sells the final list of the voters to any member who is included in the final voters list upon collection of applicable fees.
  15. All the expenditure for the election will be provided from the sale proceeds of the nomination paper and, if needed form the fund of the Association.
  16. Casting and counting of votes will be alone in presence of the candidates or their agents.
  17. Confidentially must be maintained whole casting vote;
  18. After the election candidates securing the highest number of votes should be announced as winning candidates in presence of the candidates or their representatives;
  19. The Election Commission will declare will announce winning candidate by holding a lottery in case two candidates secure the same number of votes;
  20. The ballot paper found with less than the number of posts (51) will be treated as canceled; the Election Commission upon consultation with the Executive Committee may bring modern electoral devices like e-vote, EVM and vote by registered mail etc.
  21. The Election Commission may introduce policy or practice for the sake of conducting easier and smooth election process/ procedures not incoherent with the concerned provision of the constitution or rule of the Association.


SECTION -37: No-confidence motion


No-confidence motion:


  1. A) In order to bring a motion of no confidence against the Executive Committee, one of the members shall present a written notice to the Chairman of the Executive Committee along with the signature of at least 51% of the members of the association (general member/life member). After receiving the notice, the Chairman will call a summons meeting. In this case, the no-confidence motion will be passed by a two-thirds vote of the total number of members in the meeting.


  1. B) If the no-confidence motion is passed, arrangements will have to be made to elect a new executive committee or fill the vacancy within the next 30 days.


  1. C) If the Chairman does not convene a general meeting within 30 (thirty) days of the receipt of the notice of no-confidence motion, those who proposed the no-confidence motion will be able to take a decision by convening a summons meeting on seven days' notice. In this case, if a no-confidence motion is passed against the full executive committee, an interim or caretaker committee of at least five members should be formed at that meeting. This committee will arrange an election within 30 (thirty) days.


SECTION -38: Resignation


If any officer/member of the Executive Committee wishes to resign, s/he shall provide the resignation letter, including the reasons, to the Chairman. If the Chairman of the Executive Committee wants to resign, s/he will provide the resignation letter to the Secretary General. The resignation letter can be withdrawn till a decision is taken by the Executive Committee. In this regard, Executive Committee’s decision will be deemed final.


SECTION -39: Relieve of duty


If it appears to the Executive Committee that it is not possible for any responsible official or member of the Executive Committee to perform the prescribed duties or responsibilities of the association, or if any member of the committee engages in activities harmful for the association, the executive committee can take effective measures regarding the exemption by availing that official’s response in 7 days issuing a show-cause notice and having it analyzed by the Sub-Committee. Subsequently, by a two-thirds vote, the official may be relieved of duties or from taking part in proceedings of the Executive Committee. In this case, the matter has to be presented in the general meeting and the final decision regarding the exemption will be taken by the general meeting.


SECTION -40: Fund


  1. A) All assets, including funds, will be acquired, recognized and managed in the name of the association and will be the responsibility of the association. The fund of the association will be formed as per section 43. The Executive Committee shall first keep the funds of the association in any government scheduled bank and then in a private scheduled bank (in banks or post office savings schemes or leasing companies, defence savings certificates or more profitable institutions). However, the annual general meeting should be informed of the location of all these funds.


  1. B) An endowment foundation/trust will be set up to be run by a management board to attract and encourage all concerned by ensuring transparency and accountability of funds provided to the association's funds by reputable alumni and various organizations. The Executive Committee will finalize the proposed endowment structure, objectives and management policies and other issues.


SECTION -41: Funds


  1. A) Money earned for a specific purpose should be deposited in a special fund.


  1. B) The subscriptions of all members/life members will be deposited in a special (profitable) fund. The Executive Committee may transfer up to 50% of the proceeds earned in this sector in that current year as a profitable fixed deposit (permanently or temporarily).


  1. C) For the convenience of managing all the income accounts of the association and considering the convenience of the members, as per the decision of the Executive Committee, entry fee, annual subscription, subscription of various events and money received from various sources will be kept in the scheduled bank as per section 41. Which will be conducted in accordance with the rules.


  1. D) All members (where applicable) must pay an annual subscription fee each year in advance in the interest of the association.


SECTION -42: Investment


In the interest of the association, the Executive Committee may, if it deems fit, invest the money from various funds in government securities, savings certificates or any other lucrative sector. In this case the scheduled bank/financial institution will be determined as per section 41.


SECTION -43: Management of bank accounts


  1. A) The bank accounts of the association shall be maintained under the joint signature of the Treasurer and the Secretary General or Chairman.


  1. B) In order to expedite and streamline the activities of the association, the Executive Committee will be able to manage accounts in any of the foremost scheduled banks in the country and adopt modern technologies of mobile banking services.


SECTION -44: Audit


Appointed by the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall, on behalf of the Executive Committee, audit the accounts by the Auditor approved by the Annual General Meeting and submit it for approval at the Annual General Meeting.


SECTION -45: Amendment of the Constitution


  1. A) Proposals to amend the constitution and rules will be considered only at the annual general meeting or at the special general meeting convened for this purpose.


  1. B) Such a proposal may be raised by the Executive Committee or any member for amendment.


  1. C) Proposals raised by any member must be sent to the Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting and the proposal will be first considered by the Executive Committee and any amendments will be submitted to the General Meeting for consideration.


  1. D) If any section, sub-clause or wording of this constitution needs to be changed, augmented, amended, contracted, added or modified, it may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the general meeting.


  1. E) As soon as the approved amendment is adopted in the annual general meeting, it will be considered as a part of the constitution.


SECTION -46: Abolition


If any ordinary member/life member wishes to propose this specific “abolition”, he/she shall apply along with the signature of 51% of the members of the association (ordinary member/life member) along with the Chairman of the Executive Committee. If the proposal for dissolution of the association is accepted by the three-fourths of the members of the association at the Annual General Meeting or at the Special General Meeting convened for this purpose after receipt of the application, the association shall be dissolved after the announcement of the decision.


SECTION -47: Abolished Association Property


In case of dissolution of the association, all other immovable and movable and immovable property of this association shall be deemed to be the property of Rajshahi University unless otherwise decided by the General Meeting.




SECTION -48: Reliable Lessons


There will be a reliable text of this constitution in Bengali and a reliable text translated into English and both texts will be considered reliable. However, there is a condition that in case of conflict between Bengali and English text, Bangla text will prevail.


SECTION 49: Interpretation of constitution


A reliable explanation of this constitution must be understood by all; provided, however, that the member must understand the interpretation or in case of any dispute the interpretation of the Chairman of the association shall be deemed final.


SECTION -50: Unwritten matters


Matters which are not mentioned in the constitution will be presented in the meeting of the Executive Committee and if necessary in the general meeting and the decision will be taken on the basis of the opinion of the majority members.


SECTION -51: Convening Committee


  1. A) In any case, the convening committee formed shall convene a general meeting to approve the constitution and form a new executive committee.


  1. B) The convening committee shall make maximum efforts to increase the membership and membership of the association through various steps in its activities.

  2. C) The main function of the convening committee will be to take necessary steps to hand over the responsibilities to the Executive Committee very quickly.


Rules of Rajshahi University Alumni Association


In order to keep the constitution of Rajshahi University Alumni Association correct and up to date, the following rules were adopted for the smooth conduct of the activities of the first Executive Committee, approved at the first general meeting.


Rule-1: Member


The person who is eligible and willing to be a member of the association as per section 12 shall apply for the post to the Secretary General in the prescribed form.


Rule-2: Member Fee


The membership fee will be considered as a fixed deposit and cannot be incurred except in case of urgent need. However, its dividends can be used for various purposes of the association.


  1. A) A total of Tk 2,200 has to be paid along with the application for the post of General Member. From the following year, the general members will have to deposit Tk 1,200 as annual fee in the association's fund. Membership rights can be updated annually by submitting an annual fee by October. The election year may be an exception according to the election rules.


  1. B) A total of Tk 5,000 has to be paid at one go along with the application for the post of Life Member.


  1. C) The financial incentive (donor member) membership can be obtained by paying a lump sum of Tk 1,00,000 (one lakh taka) or more along with the application for membership.


  1. D) A total of Tk 5,000 has to be paid at one go along with the application for the post of associate member.



Rule-3: Annual subscription period


If an ordinary member does not pay the annual subscription by September of that year, s/he will not be considered eligible for membership. Provided, however, that the general membership may be reinstated subject to the payment of a re-entry fee of Tk 500 and the fee fixed for the outstanding years.


Rule-4: Cancellation of membership


If a member's conduct is deemed worthy of revocation by a member of the Executive Committee, s/he must send a show cause notice to the last received address by registered post and email within seven days. His/her answer (if provided) must be presented to the general meeting for a final decision, including the opinion of the Executive Committee. Until a decision on expulsion is taken by the General Assembly, the member concerned may participate in the discussion.


Rule-5: Refund


Membership fees, various contributions or any grant will not be refunded under any circumstances.


Rule-6: Life Member


If one wants to become a life member from ordinary member, one has to pay the “life member fee” as per the rules.


Rule-7: Patron


The proposal to appoint a patron i.e., sponsor will be presented by the Executive Committee for consideration in the general meeting.


Rule-8: Right to attend general meeting


All types of members (update through payment of fee), sponsors and members of the advisory council may attend general meetings and participate in discussions. However, no one except ordinary members and life members can take part in the election or vote.


Rule-9: Member Notice


The Secretary General shall, at least 30 days before the General Meeting, submit to the Executive Committee all notices received from the members and, if these proposals are considered acceptable by the Executive Meeting, those should be presented at the General Meeting.




Rule-10: Member Proposal


Any member may bring a proposal for discussion at the General Meeting, for consideration by the Executive Committee, and s/he may send this proposal as a letter and email to the Chairman and Secretary General.


RULE 11: Executive committee meeting

The executive committee will try to meet at least once every two months. In no way can this meeting last for three consecutive months. The venue of this meeting will be decided by the President and the Secretary General taking into consideration the interests of all. However, it should be noted that efforts should be made to organize at least two meetings a year at Rajshahi University. Executive committee meetings can be convened via email and, if necessary, in the online meeting format (such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc., the most common meeting format). However, to make the meeting fruitful and to ensure attendance, follow up should be done by SMS and telephone.


RULE 12:  Presidency

The President will preside over all the meetings. Provided that the senior vice-president present in his absence and if he or all vice-presidents are absent, an executive member shall be deemed to preside over the meeting of the executive committee.


RULE 13: Meeting details

The minutes and decisions of the meeting of the executive committee should be recorded in a specific book and saved. The minutes of the meeting shall be presented by the Secretary General at the next meeting and shall receive the approval and signature of the President of the meeting concerned. If necessary, the details of the meeting can be emailed and the signed minutes will be emailed to all the members of the committee later.

RULE 14: Nomination papers

  1. All elections to the Executive Committee shall be held in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the General Assembly.
  2. The members of the Executive Committee of the Election Commission shall sell nomination papers at the following prescribed rates in the election-

Executive Member Nomination Paper: It’ll require BDT 25,000 and this money can be given in two parts. 10 thousand takas at the time of purchase of nomination papers and the rest 15 thousand takas at the time of submission of nomination papers.


RULE 15: Candidate’s consent

If elected, he will work for the welfare of the association. In this regard, every candidate of the executive committee has to give written consent with the nomination paper.


RULE 16: Disqualification

A member of the Executive Committee shall be deemed ineligible and his/ her post shall be vacant, if

  1. He lost the membership of the association, or
  2. Absent in three (3) consecutive meetings without informing the President/ Secretary General of the reason for his absence in writing.

RULE 17: Cash

In the interest of the association or for the convenience of the work, the secretary general may deposit BDT 10,000 in cash with the treasurer, provided that,

  1. In case of special emergency, the Secretary General can pay up to a maximum of five thousand takas in advance.
  2. However, this provision shall not apply to any special fund fixed by the Executive Committee.
  3. Unless otherwise decided and responsible, the Secretary-General may spend a maximum of five thousand rupees on any one subject to budget allocation.
  4. Similarly, subject to budget allocation, a joint secretary general may spend up to a maximum amount of taka However, the next executive meeting will have to approve the expenditure.

RULE 18: Sample signature

In order to manage the bank account, the signature of the signatories to the check must be attested by the President with the seal of the Association.


RULE 19:  Branch

If there are 21 potential members in a place outside Dhaka, an organizational group of at least five people can initiate to form a branch. After the membership of at least 15 people can apply for recognition along with the Secretary General of the Association.

No district, upazila or province can have more than one branch.

RULE 20:  Branch Committee

The Executive Committee of the Branch of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Branch Secretary, an Assistant Branch Secretary and at least six members. In no case shall the branch executive committee have more than 49 members.

RULE 21:  Seal

There will be a seal of the Association, which will be in the custody of the Secretary-General.

RULE  22:  Identity card

Each member will be given a member card or identity card as per the decision taken by the executive committee.

RULE 23:  Member books

  1. A member of the association will have the book. The specific website of the association will have details with pictures of all the members. Note that the consent of the member is required to keep all these details open to the public.
  2. Any member of the association can inspect the book by making a written application along with the secretary general.
  3. Depending on the category of members, a new member list will be created by November 10 of each year showing the current year's dues and arrears and will be kept in the office for inspection and verification on office opening days. This list can also be viewed from the specific website of the association.
  4. Member books will be available for inspection till the date of notice of the Annual General Meeting.

RULE 24:  Digital

The Executive Committee shall be able to open and manage one or more websites, mobile apps, groups, pages on social networking sites, etc. for the purpose of establishing inter-communication and various functions in line with the objectives of the Association.

RULES 25:  Rabian

All the members of Rajshahi University Alumni Association will be referred to as 'Rabian' and their specific batch (according to the year of graduation) will be associated with 'Rabian'. For example, the first batch of graduates will be called 'Rabian 1'.

RULE 26:  Merchandising

A variety of merchandising items can be manufactured and distributed/ sold to promote Rajshahi University Alumni Association and further enhance the image of ‘Rabians’, which must be approved by the association.

RULE 27:  Value

The Executive Committee of the Rajshahi University Alumni Association will not be able to attach any qualifying rules for any position of the Executive Committee by merely determining the value of money. Even the executive committee cannot formulate rules by imposing any kind of compulsory subscription as a qualification for holding any post.

RULE  28:  Miscellaneous contributions and grants

The executive committee of the association may invite donations to cover various expenses or to take any new initiative, which must be voluntary for the members. However, it will be able to determine the required subscription for the specific event.

RULE  29:  Change

The Executive Committee may, with the consent of two-thirds of the members, make new rules or amend, modify, rearrange, add, subtract any or all of these rules. However, it will have to be approved at the next general meeting.

In any case, it should be ensured that no rule must not be conflicting with any section of the constitution of the association or harms the interests of the constitution.

The End


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